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Production value discount

Discount based on production value in 2023 or 2024. To know the thresholds with the associated percentages, contact us!

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ENTERPRISE Subscription
Get access to the prices of all product families, PricePedia forecasts and integrate the data into your company's IS

6790€ + VAT

Subscription duration: 1 year from activation
ALL Subscription
Get access to prices of all 700+ commodities

2600€ + VAT

Subscription duration: 1 year from activation
ALL PLUS Subscription
Get access to the prices of all product families and PricePedia forecasts

5200€ + VAT

Subscription duration: 1 year from activation
ONE Subscription
Get access to specific product families of your interest

990€ + 410€ * Product family + VAT

Subscription duration: 1 year from activation
ONE PLUS Subscription
Get access to specific product families of your interest and related PricePedia forecasts

990€ + 1110€ * Product family + VAT

Subscription duration: 1 year from activation
BASIC Subscription
Get access to financial data

990€ + VAT

Subscription duration: 1 year from activation

For all renewals by the expiry date, the subscription price will remain unchanged under the Guaranteed Prices initiative. If you need to renew your subscription, contact us to receive the order form already completed.